martes, 27 de julio de 2010

El camino para Suecia - The road to Sweden

Entrenos en tierra seco.
1st place in Gran Canaria Cup
Gran Canaria Cup
My training partner Miguel
Open water training
Pool competition
My swimming friends
Winter training with friends
Support team
Judith my physio machine

Training at T3
More swimming friends
Santiago del Teide 2nd place
Pool competition
Ha sido una jornada larga para Ryszard Majewski, desde Diciembre 2009. Realmente empezo en Septiembre 2009 en la travesia de Lanzarote a La Graciosa recomendado por Melchor de Santa Cruz para enscribir en la copa mundial.Yo crei que era una mision imposible despues me lo tome en serio y empeze a entrenar en la piscina desde Diciembre 2009 con la asistencia de Tomas, el entrenador de T3. Ese complejo deportivo empezo a ser mi 2º casa. Nunca competi en piscinas y poco a poco gane experiencia compitiendo en competiciones locales. Aprendi muchas cosas como por ejemplo: la voltereta hacia atras y tirarmede cabeza gracias a mis compañeros de natacion. Ha sido un entrenamiento dificil de 8 meses ,6 dias a la semana, 4 horas al dia, y al final perdi 14 kg y nunca he estado en forma como hoy en dia. El sacrificio, el sudor y la dedicacion me a echo un atleto  mas fuerte. Hay una vieja expresion: nunca es tarde para hacer lo que te gusta. No puedo agradecer a mis amigos de natacion, a mis amigos ( ustedes saben quien son ), Tomas mi entrenador de natacion, Nico mi entrenador de gimnasia, mis patrocinadores que lo hicieron posible, Judith mi masagista deportiva, Miguel mi compañero de natacion para los ultimos 3 meses, que me a dado motivacion, inspiracion y soporte para competir en un evento elite con nadadores de todo el mundo. Voy a Suecia con mucha ilucion y voy a ser lo mejor COMPETIR Y NADAR. Competire en el 50+400+800m libres y 3000m en aguas abiertas.

It has been a long journey for Ryszard Majewski since December 2009. Actually it started in September 2009 at the Lanzarote to La Graciosa open water race when Melchor from Santa Cruz recommended I take part in the World Masters champs. I thought this was completely out of my league, but given it some serious thought I put my mind to it and started serious pool training in December 2009 with the assistance of Tomas the local coach at T3 where it has become my 2nd home. Never ever did I compete in pool events and competing in local competitions I gained some experience along the way, i.e., how to do the flip turn and to dive off the starting block. It has been a tough 8months of training 6 days a week, 4 hours a day, lost 14kg and never felt so fit as I am today. The sacrifice, sweat and commitment has made me a stronger athlete that I would have loved to have experienced earlier in my life. BUT there is an old expression, it´s never too late to do what you love. I cannot thank all my swimming friends, friends (you all know who you are), Tomas the incredible coach, Nico for the gym workouts, my sponsors that has made this possible, Judith my sports physio that has helped me with various injuries and keeping my body in competition form, Miguel my swimming partner for the past 3 months, that has given me motivation, support and inspiration to compete in a dream competition of world class athletes from all over the world. I am going to Sweden with all the determination I have to do my best and enjoy what I do.......... SWIMMING AND COMPETING. I will compete in the 50+400+800 freestyle and 3000m open water races.

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